As a pet owner, it's fortunate that your furry friends are adorable because their bathroom mishaps can be overwhelming. For example, picture this scenario: it's late at night, and you're walking through your living room to the kitchen barefoot when you suddenly step on a damp spot.
To your surprise, you stepped on pet urine. Pet owners often deal with these accidents from time to time. However, treating these accidents properly is crucial since the smell of pet urine can quickly spread throughout the house and impact your health and well-being.
When an accident occurs, the odor emitted can result in repeat incidents until the urine is adequately eliminated. The pet urine seeped into the carpet can leave a stain and pollute the floor underneath, requiring specialized treatment beyond surface-level cleaning. The longer you wait to treat an area, the more likely the urine will penetrate deeper into the sub floor.
As urine dries, the crystals become more concentrated and potent. To combat the smell caused by pet urine, we utilize a specialized formula. While most cleanings only mask the odor, this Pet Order Treatment works at the molecular level to eradicate urine crystals.